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Month: May 2024

Visiting Breck & Iris in West Virginia

Visiting Breck & Iris in West Virginia

Harpers Ferry, West Virginia We drove to the Salt Lake City airport right after Victor’s Internment in Bear River City, Utah. By the time we arrived home it was two in the morning on Saturday. Three hours later we were up again and packing for our next adventure to West Virginia. This trip was on our calendar for some time since it was the weekend of Camila’s baby blessing. Aubrey, Raul, and Claire were also riding with us. Our trip…

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Claire Four Months

Claire Four Months

Claire turned four months while we were out in Idaho. Her four-month birthday was actually the same day Victor passed away. It’s hard to believe that just four months earlier Victor was actually holding Claire, in the hospital, the day she was born. Even though she’ll never know her Great Grandpa Manwaring, I am grateful for those precious moments she was able to be with him before he passed away!

Utah/Idaho, May

Utah/Idaho, May

Twin Falls, Idaho Victor’s funeral was scheduled for a little over a week after his passing. After being gone for two weeks Aubrey needed to get back to her husband, and normal life, so I flew to Kentucky on the same flight as Aubrey to help her with Claire. I also had an important appointment the following day that I couldn’t miss. Less than twenty-four hours after returning home I was back in the air on my way to Utah….

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Utah/Idaho, April

Utah/Idaho, April

Pleasant Grove, Utah The end of April, Aubrey, Claire, Brad and I took an impromptu trip to Utah/Idaho, due to Brad’s father Victor’s failing health. When not in Idaho, Aubrey & Claire stayed with Brittney, and Brad & I stayed with Mom. We enjoyed visiting with Brittney & fam, Merinda, and Matt & Sasha and their families. I also made a quick stop in Lindon to visit Dad’s gravesite. Our time in Utah was very short but we appreciate so…

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