Utah/Idaho, April

Utah/Idaho, April

Pleasant Grove, Utah

The end of April, Aubrey, Claire, Brad and I took an impromptu trip to Utah/Idaho, due to Brad’s father Victor’s failing health. When not in Idaho, Aubrey & Claire stayed with Brittney, and Brad & I stayed with Mom. We enjoyed visiting with Brittney & fam, Merinda, and Matt & Sasha and their families. I also made a quick stop in Lindon to visit Dad’s gravesite. Our time in Utah was very short but we appreciate so much Mom and Brittney’s wonderful accommodations, and catching up with family!

Lehi, Utah

Twin Falls, Idaho

During our time in Idaho, we stayed with Blake and Josie in Twin Falls. Even though it was a two-hour drive round trip everyday to Burley, Blake and Josie’s house was a relaxing place to decompress, and it was a nice quiet place for Claire to sleep and have some down time.

Burley, Idaho

After leaving Brittney’s house we headed straight to Burley, anxious to see Victor and ascertain how he was feeling. Victor did not want to live in any kind of retirement community so he found a duplex in Burley that was just a few miles from Becky and family. I am glad we went to Burley as soon as we were able, and am grateful for our children who all chose to go to visit their Grandpa on their own fruition. We feel privileged to have spent Victor’s last week with him, the Manwaring children & their families, and our kids & grandkids. Aubrey and Claire stayed with us the whole time; Breck, Iris and Claire flew in from West Virginia; Brittney, Sean and Finley came for the weekend; and Merinda was able to come for the funeral and dedication of the grave.

Brad’s siblings and their family members stayed and/or visited with Victor at varying times, as well as extended family and friends. It was a bitter sweet time since Victor received an answer to prayer by leaving this earthly existence sooner than later, and without any pain or suffering, but it’s sad for those of us left behind, who are really going to miss him! I guess as part of my grieving process, I needed to journal events surrounding Victor’s passing. I debated whether or not to share the following information because it is an account from my perspective, with details of my kids included. Anyone else would have had a completely different story to tell by viewing things with different eyes, so please know that these are my notes, my pictures, and my timeline of the days leading up to, and shortly after, Victor’s passing.

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