Utah/Idaho, May

Utah/Idaho, May

Twin Falls, Idaho

Victor’s funeral was scheduled for a little over a week after his passing. After being gone for two weeks Aubrey needed to get back to her husband, and normal life, so I flew to Kentucky on the same flight as Aubrey to help her with Claire. I also had an important appointment the following day that I couldn’t miss. Less than twenty-four hours after returning home I was back in the air on my way to Utah. Brad and Merinda picked me up from the Salt Lake City airport and we drove onto Twin Falls, Idaho, arriving about two o’clock in the morning. The next morning at nine Merinda had song practice with all the grand daughters, at ten was Victor’s viewing, and the funeral began at eleven. Brittney, Sean, and Finley also drove up from Utah to attend the funeral and stay overnight at friend Kali’s house again, before driving the next morning (with the rest of us) to Bear River City, Utah, for the Internment.

Bear River City, Utah

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