Happy Birthday Breck!

Happy Birthday Breck!

Breck and Iris came to visit just over a week ago for Claire’s baby blessing. We appreciate them taking time out of their very busy schedule to drive such a long distance with a baby and dog. It was a joy celebrating Breck’s 27th birthday on his actual birthday this year! I attempted to make one of his favorite meals, Chicken Parmesan, for dinner. It turned out okay. I didn’t attempt to make the German choc or Red Velvet birthday cakes (with Blue Bell ice cream), which is why they turned out great! We cherished the time Breck & Iris spent with us, Aubrey, Raul & family, and Wesley & Molly. And of course, we loved spending time with Mancha and Camila (who is growing entirely too fast)! It was a wonderful week being immersed in family!

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