August Reid Costello, One Month Old!

August Reid Costello, One Month Old!

I just returned from a five-week trip to Utah, where I had the joy of spending time with my new grandson, August (Gus) Costello, born on August 8th to Brittney and Sean, and younger brother to Finn. During my stay, my mother, sisters, and I also took a girls’ trip to Las Vegas. Coincidentally, while we were in Vegas, both Gus and Sasha’s first grandbaby, Gwen, were born. Gus and Gwen are second cousins, just a day apart in age; Gwen is actually a month older because she was born a week overdue, while Gus arrived three weeks early. I’m sharing Gus’s one-month collage, as he just celebrated his first month. These little ones grow so quickly! I’m a bit behind on my blog, so stay tuned for upcoming posts about our trip to Japan and my recent trip to Utah!

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