Ark Encounter Lights

Ark Encounter Lights

We have an exact replica of Noah’s Ark in Williamstown, Kentucky, about 30 miles from where we live. The great thing about Christmas-time is we can see the Christmas lights for free, except for parking. One evening, between Christmas and New Year’s, we took Brittney, Sean, Finn, and Aubrey, (Merinda and Raul were still feeling under-the-weather) to experience the Ark Encounter lights (not quite Temple Square or Thanksgiving Point in Utah, but probably the closest thing to it in KY).

The Ark was built in such a way that it can’t be viewed from the road, or even the parking lot. Once parked, we waited in line for the bus. Sean fed Finley a little snack during the bus ride, and then immediately exiting the bus, we were able to catch the end of the live variety show. The lights were beautiful, as usual, but Finn’s favorite part was visiting the petting zoo and looking at the sloths, exotic birds, monkeys, baby kangaroos, goats, sheep, zebras and more. They even had camel rides still going on that time of night.

I think everyone had a good time, but we were ready to get back to our warm vehicles, and Finley was ready to get back to his warm bed!

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